Eto.. This is my first time writing a review TTT_TTT . So forgive my grammar XD !!!
Genres ~- Comedy ( Hilarious ^_^ ) , A Little Romance, Drama ~, Sci - Fi
, slice of life .
Main charecter - Nanba Mutta
Main charecter - Kenji _____
Main charecter - Itou Serika
"Older brother must be always ahead of Little brother" Nanba Mutta ~
In short : Two brothers see a UFO and decide to become Astronauts BUT Nanba wound;t become one
while hibito is going on moon ~ . So the story basically shows how Nanba Mutta goes through his JAXA exam with the help of Keni and Serika ~ . Ah and there are few side charecters too
Many people decide not to watch it due to the boring description on most of anime sites but once you watch it it is HILARIOUS :O !!
HEADBUTT hahahaha
Art -(8/10) Certainly not the best , But not bad either
. I like the way Nanba's Mom eats :O !XD !
Story - (9/10) Could be a little better at some parts
Episodes aired - 20 ~